Joe Parsonage

Among the thousands of passionate supporters filling the stands at Sale Sharks rugby matches, there are individuals whose extraordinary actions and inspiring stories stand out. Whether they’ve overcome significant challenges, made remarkable contributions to their community, or achieved great personal milestones, these fans remind us that you never know who might be sitting next to you at a Sale Sharks match.   

We are taking time to interact with such people and are asking some questions, but overall allowing them to tell their story to a much bigger audience. Today we are going to share the story of joe Parsonage and what Sale Sharks means to him.   

What inspired your love for rugby and particularly for Sale Sharks? 

Joe: ” My first involvement with rugby came after passing my 11 plus. After leaving primary school I went to Sale Boys Grammar School. The school did not have a football team, and rugby was the game we played. Being sporty was something you embraced. Obviously back in 1961, the professional game didn’t exist. But it became a natural progression some 30 years later, while still maintaining my connections with Sale FC, to follow the Sharks. My hometown.” 

How has being involved with rugby positively impacted your life? 

Joe: “There are so many aspects to how it impacted on my life. School rugby was a good grounding in youthful development. It helped having a winning mentality and of course a winning team. We went through our year group, over 6 years, losing once to Kings Macclesfield 6-3 and drawing with Wigan College. We had some good coaches and disciplinarians. Such things as a clean kit, shirts tucked in and shin pads. The latter of which makes my blood boil when I see shin pads not being worn. Moving into working life, I stopped playing as I worked shifts and could only commit to 2 out of 4 weeks. That changed when I moved back to Sale and joined my works team Shell Carrington. I played there for over 10 years, mostly on the pitches our first team now train on. In my time there I made many friends most of which remain so today. I took up the role of Chair, at SSSC, quite a few years back now. That has also impacted on my life being involved with everyone associated with Sale. The club I started watching in 1961.” 

How does the Sale Sharks Foundation’s work in promoting rugby and community engagement resonate with you personally? 

Joe: “For quite a few years now we at SSSC have looked at ways we can contribute to the benefit of the club.  One of our first initiatives with the club was to sponsor an individual player from the academy. Usually in supporting them in their efforts to gain experience overseas in our close season. It worked well at first but it became too isolated a program as several returned and not feature again. We changed our operandi and moved on to supplying equipment they may need. Again it worked well. A change of direction saw the club supplying these direct. We eventually settled on a closer relationship with the academy offering support for tours etc. we now have discussions with the academy hierarchy as to what they need and what we can help with. Over recent times the club has built up some excellent initiatives towards help in the community. Initiatives we tried to get behind. The new Foundation work seems to be a continuation and an update on the previous efforts. We have spoken and as a committee at SSSC we feel we can work with you all and continue with helping your commitment.”

Can you share a memorable experience or story related as a Sale Sharks supporter? 

Joe: “During my 60 odd years of watching there has been many an occasion to savour. One of my first was qualifying for our first Twickenham final. Beating Quins at HR in the semi final had us smiling like “Cheshire cats” until that day out.

After Sharks left HR there was a bit of “what do we do now ?”  Richard Trickey and a few others decided to restart Sale FC. They had to prove they could field a team over 5 weeks in order to gain entry into the league pyramid. They succeeded. I for my part played in one of the games as a sub. Another chap who had a run out was Simon Orange. I as proud to pull on the shirt. I was 52.

Moving on the Sharks have also been a big part of my life. Memories from those years include, Jason Robinson’s last try scoring game before retirement. The semi final in 2006 when Chabal up ended Delalgio (sp). And of course that remarkable game in the final against Leicester.

There has been much to write about since but not enough space. I have made so many friends both inside and outside the club. All my family have tried at some point to share my enthusiasm but my youngest and her family have stuck with it. My youngest granddaughter even attended her first Captains run this season”

This is just one of many stories we will tell throughout the season hoping to inspire future generations of Sale Sharks fans.  

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