Run with us to make a difference

Join the movement and make a splash for our communities

The Sale Sharks Foundation is thrilled to introduce mass participation events as an exciting new way to support our mission. Whether you’re in Greater Manchester or anywhere else in the world, we invite you to lace up your running shoes and help us give back to communities through our impactful programs. Starting from 2025, we will be rolling out a variety of running events to engage our supporters and raise vital funds. 


Are you already signed up for the sold-out MCR Half Marathon in October? Do you love Sale Sharks and want to support our Foundation? If so, we need you! ​

By choosing to run for the Sale Sharks Foundation, you will receive some amazing perks:​

Sale Sharks Foundation Training Top

Sale Sharks Foundation Running Vest: Wear it proudly on race day.

​Exclusive Training Day Experience: Enjoy a tour of our Training Ground, work out in the gym, meet some of the players, and participate in a training run around our pitches.

Simply click here to get involved and support our cause!

Register Your Interest for 2025 Events

Looking ahead to 2025, we are gearing up for a series of mass participation events, and we need your support to make them a success.

Register your interest now to take part in:

Manchester Marathon 2025​

Great Manchester Run 10K 2025​

Great Manchester Run Half Marathon 2025​ 

MCR Half Marathon 2025

By signing up, you’ll be helping us expand our reach and deepen our impact, promoting healthy lifestyles, educational opportunities, and positive behavior in our communities. Together, we can achieve great things and continue to change lives across the North West.