Walking Rugby Making Strides Across North West

Sharks Community Trust has just finished it’s third year of delivery of Walking Rugby, engaging with 358 participants across the North West in eight local Rugby Clubs. 

Over the past 12 months Trust coaches have worked in eight local grassroots rugby clubs to reduce social isolation and increase physical activity. Walking Rugby is a programme aimed at getting more people engaged in physical activity through rugby. Walking Rugby is a slower-paced game of touch rugby allowing it to be accessible for everyone, no matter whether you used to play rugby, or have no knowledge of the sport this game is for you. 

Our Walking Rugby sessions are not only about being active, but they are also about getting out, meeting new people and gaining that social element back, after one hour of Walking Rugby our groups head to their clubhouse and half an hour chatting about the session and getting to know one another on and off the pitch.  

Over 88% of our participants said they have improved both their physical and social activity levels since joining a local Walking Rugby club, with 80% saying they feel it has helped improve their mental well-being. 

Besides the physical activity element, the project is designed to combat social isolation and loneliness in those aged 50 years and older and those who have retired.

Rex from Lymm Walking Rugby site

“Waking Rugby is a great atmosphere, whether you are into rugby or not, you can come along, get involved and enjoy the session.” 

Rita from Oldershaw Walking Rugby site said, 

“I started Walking Rugby in the hope to get a bit fitter and meet new people, 30 weeks later I am still here and those new people I now call my family and I have lost a few pounds since I first started.” 

Whether you want to meet new people, get a bit fitter, or spark that old competitive flame, get yourself down to one of our Walking Rugby Sites and see the ways it can benefit you. 

For more information on the event, please contact community@salesharks.com

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